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Five tips to level up your fashion game now!

Fashion doesn’t only includes your outfit. If you want to be labelled as a “fashionista” then you have to work on your entire look. From your hair to your footwear, everything should be on point. It doesn’t mean you have to be extra all the time. You can be casual yet trendy. You just need…

5 ways to increase Instagram followers

Instagram can be unpredictable. You can either gain alot of followers without doing anything or else you can be stuck on number a specific number of followers even after doing alot of hardwork.  Do you know the reason why? You can be missing out on some of the important things that might be important for…

How to take care of your dry skin in winters

Winters are here and so is dryness. And for someone like me who has extremely dry skin, it can be really difficult to keep their skin moisturized all the time. We are really busy and caught up all the time in our routine that we often forget to take care of our skin. So I’m…

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